52词语>英语词典>propping up翻译和用法

propping up

na. (把…)撑住;给…撑腰


  • In Japan it is pensioners who are propping up consumption as they spend their hard-earned savings on things such as package tours, convenience food and medical care.
  • Moreover, this approach proved especially effective in propping up domestic demand during the various global financial crises and disasters with a timeliness and certainty that probably could not have been achieved through fiscal channels.
  • The European Central Bank, which has been propping up Italian debt on the markets since August, received similar commitments in the past.
  • Take Vietnam. This decades's rampant growth is petering out so fast that the government plans to spend nearly a quarter of gross domestic product propping up the economy.
  • Past efforts have foundered as many countries have vested interests in providing lower-cost fuel to their citizens and industries, and in propping up sectors such as coal mining.
  • Bankruptcy also beats the government's propping up the auto makers with hopes that the economy will improve.
  • Many younger Chinese must find it embarrassing that Beijing is propping up such an odious regime.
  • The emergency response involved propping up big institutions and ramming through mergers; hardly a long-term solution to the problem of too big to fail.
  • The second threat is its role in propping up the eurozone.
  • China's property prices fell for a third straight month in July, as demand wanes and lenders propping up the market pull back.